
You will find here some of the projects I am currently working on. Some old projects also. Nothing from professional activities of course.

Why did I decide to upload this content online? Well there are 2 main reasons :

1. I needed to insure a better follow-up of several projects, being developed in several places of the world and on different computers… I definitely had to think about a “cloudy” solution to avoid starting everything from batch again and again.

2. Almost everything that I’ve learned about electronics and computing is thanks to people sharing information and projects on the web. Well, my turn now to give some information back.

Disclaimer : I use the information here to organize the data of my projects. Please understand that I could not be held responsable for what you may do after you have read something in here. Basic cautions should be taken when dealing with electricity and mechanical equipment. Property of code should also be respected.

The code/diagram/schems that you can find here have taken me a lot of time. If you want to use something coming from this website (text, picture, calculation, code…), please get in touch with me before.